relationship between planting dates and rainfall in Zambia

Mapping Burn Scars using Google Earth Engine JavaScript API

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Team Member:

Luke Brogna, Jessie Xu, Mina Wei


Personal Project

Team Members:

Mina Wei


Personal Project

Project Description:

This project is a study of the relationship between planting dates and rainfall. In this project, this team used qualitative analysis to hypothesize that the variation in the timing of when farmers plant their crops is correlated with rainfall variability and whether there is a huge difference in when farmers plant their crops because of rainfall. Comparing farmland in areas with similar long-term mean rainfall, we will analyze whether there is a relationship between the coefficient of variations of rainfall in the first two months of the growing season and the coefficient of variation of greening dates.

Google Earth Engine Code:


please contact me at my email address


Email: minaisweiii@gmail.com